Myths And Facts About Hearing Loss And Hearing Aids

man inserting a tan colored hearing aid to his left ear

Detecting hearing impairment in the early stages can be challenging and addressing it can be a complex task. Therefore, it is crucial for everyone to acquire knowledge about the truths and myths associated with hearing loss, as well as the available treatments such as hearing aids. Through this article, we aim to provide clarity on prevalent misunderstandings, enabling you to identify a suitable path forward that caters to your individual requirements.

Hearing Loss Only Affects Older People

It might come as a shock to some; however, hearing loss can afflict people of all ages – even children and young adults. In fact, the United States alone has over two million young children aged 17 or younger who have some form of hearing loss. Hearing loss can be caused by a variety of factors, such as genetics, birth defects, illness or even loud noise exposure. 

You Don’t Need Treatment for Mild Hearing Loss 

If left unattended, even minor hearing loss can significantly disrupt your life and well-being. That’s why it is crucial to seek an audiologist for advice if you think that any level of hearing loss has impacted you. An audiologist will be able to get you the treatment you need for your hearing loss.

Hearing Loss Doesn’t Affect the Rest of Your Health

Ignoring hearing loss can drastically affect your well-being. The struggle to comprehend conversations in loud environments and the exhaustion that follows it, as well as depression and anxiety, could take a toll on you. Research also shows that individuals with untreated hearing loss may be more prone to falls due to their lack of awareness of what surrounds them.

Hearing Aids Make You Look Old

Societal norms may suggest that wearing a hearing aid makes someone appear outdated, yet the opposite is true. There are plenty of modern styles and sizes available on the market today to accommodate all lifestyles. From in the canal (ITC) designs to behind the ear (BTE), you’re certain to find an option that suits your personal preference!

Hearing Aids Are Uncomfortable

Today’s hearing aids are crafted with the utmost comfort and style in mind. Many make it possible to customize your device according to the shape of your ear, allowing for a snug fit that won’t fall out or cause discomfort. Plus, some manufacturers have taken convenience further by adding sweat-resistant casings and noise-cancellation technology so you can get the most out of each use.

Hearing Loss Is Common

Hearing loss is a prevalent health issue in the United States, affecting an estimated one out of every eight Americans. It is particularly pervasive among veterans as it is the most common disability experienced by them.

Hearing Loss Has Varying Degrees

Hearing loss is categorized into four distinct severity levels: mild, moderate, severe and profound. Depending on the particular level of hearing impairment you may have, treatments can vary from wearing a hearing aid to therapies. 

Noise is Often the Cause

Excessive noise remains the primary source of hearing impairment, with some research indicating that it is responsible for as much as 70% of all cases. To preserve your sense of sound, take proactive steps to avoid overly loud environments or use proper protection when exposed to loud noises. 

Hearing Aids Can Improve Quality of Life

Poor hearing can be a severe obstacle, from conversations with family to performance in the workplace. Fortunately, wearing a hearing aid provides you with an opportunity to reclaim your life, enabling you access to all of the activities that brought joy and fulfillment before. In this way, it helps restore balance and puts you back on track!

Hearing Aids Improve Your Social Life

With appropriate treatment for hearing loss, a person can remain connected and engaged with their loved ones. By wearing a hearing aid, you’ll be able to have meaningful conversations without worrying about not being able to hear them or enjoy music at social events. Having the ability to experience these moments is priceless in elevating one’s quality of life.

Hearing Aid Technology Has Advanced

With hearing aid technology advancing quickly, the latest models now offer a remarkable feature: direct connection to your smartphone. Using this intuitive concept, you are able to adjust sound settings and volume without ever having to remove your device. This cutting-edge innovation makes it easier than ever before for those with hearing loss to manage their devices comfortably.

Don’t risk misunderstanding the facts regarding hearing loss and hearing aids! Hearing impairment is a serious condition that can have varying levels of severity. If you feel like your ears are not functioning properly, don’t hesitate to seek help from an audiologist right away. Contact Hearing Solutions of Louisiana, LLC at (337) 607-0630 for an appointment today and discover what solutions we have available to you.