woman in lavander shirt showing off her new hearing aid

Does Using A Hearing Aid Weaken Your Real Hearing?

A lot of people are under the misconception that using a hearing aid will weaken their real hearing. This is simply not true! In fact, using a hearing aid can actually help improve your hearing in the long run. This blog post will discuss the benefits of using a hearing aid and dispel any myths […]

two couples gathered in a well lit restaurant for brunch and cocktails

How To Stay Active Without Damaging Your Hearing Aids

Regular activity is essential to everyday life and staying active is a great way to maintain your health and stamina. Despite this reality, several factors can encourage or prevent someone from staying active. This runs true for countless individuals with hearing-related issues, especially those dependent on hearing aids. The majority who do decide to maintain […]

hand holding a pile of various hearing aid styles

What To Know Before Buying Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids

Statistics indicate that approximately 37-million Americans report some degree of hearing loss. Indeed, hearing loss can lead to social withdrawal due to difficulty communicating with others. It can cause people to miss some jobs or educational opportunities. Fortunately, hearing aids can improve hearing and enhance the quality of life for people with hearing loss. Recently, […]

young woman showing off her new blue hearing aids

6 Ways to Get Used to Hearing Aids

If you have recently been prescribed hearing aids, it can be a daunting experience trying to get used to them. Feeling self-conscious or worried about how others will perceive you when wearing them is natural. However, with a bit of practice and patience, you can get used to hearing aids in no time at all! […]

young woman having her hearing aids professionally fitted

Signs That You Are Wearing an Ill-fitting Hearing Aid

Hearing aids play an essential role in preserving your hearing health and correcting hearing loss. They are designed to bring back comfort in all situations, whether social or professional. Therefore, the last thing you want is to deal will ill-fitting hearing aids.  Ill-fitted hearing aids are a cause of discomfort, which can affect your hearing […]

hearing specialist holding numerous hearing aid models

What are the Most Common Hearing Aid Styles?

It is not easy to hear from your audiologist that your hearing is deteriorating, the good news is that hearing aids offer a lot of support for hearing loss. When you first hear that you can get a hearing aid you may be thrilled to find out there is a solution to your hearing loss. […]